We're All Influencers

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Who is watching you and Who are you watching?

My cousin copied me, by customising her phone case (with her sister's jewellery lol). She had asked me to customise her case for her, I said no, only for her to customise her own case (photo 1, my case is in photo 2).

Never under estimate the influence you have on people, especially younger people. Be sure that the influence you have is positive or brings about positive outcomes.

Nothing pleases me more than seeing both my brothers interact - between them there is an age gap of 11 years. I see how much my youngest brother wants to be like my younger brother. From the way he talks, to how he dresses and even to what he aspires to. The relationship they have is influential through and through. They influence each other. My younger brother may not know it but he has matured and honed in some remarkable skills that have many younger children respect him (skills and traits that work well should he become a father). Witnessing my how in awe my youngest brother is of my younger brother, makes it more clear to me why young people need positive (ideally God-honouring) role models. (Man they even look like it's crazy).

Truth is, someone is always watching and Influence is subtle...

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